Innovative Finance ISA
A tax-free wrapper for peer-to-peer loans
Invest in loans with rates up to 11% p.a. and watch your money grow
Capital at risk. Instant access cannot be guaranteed. No FSCS protection
Relendex offers two types of IFISAs. With our Self-Select IFISA, you are able to choose exactly which loans you want to put your money into. Our Secured-Portfolio IFISA offers a more hands-off approach, where we create your portfolio for you.
Self-Select IFISA
Select your own loans
Not a managed product
Quarterly interest
Rates up to 11%
Minimum £500
Secured-Portfolio IFISA
We create your portfolio
Risk managed
Earn interest straight away
Fixed target interest rate
Minimum £2500
More details
Benefits of the Relendex IFISA

Fixed returns
Each loan has a fixed interest rate

Tax efficiency
Invest up to £20,000 per year tax-free

Choice of loans
Diversify your portfolio by lending on a variety of loans
Benefits of the Relendex IFISA
Can I open an IFISA?

I am 18 years of age or above

I am a UK Tax Resident

I have a National Insurance number
Can I open an IFISA?
How to open a Relendex IFISA

Easy online process - have your passport and NI number to hand

Subscribe / Transfer
Transfer up to £20,000 into your account

Bid on loan parts yourself or invest in our Secured Portfolio

Start earning interest on your funds!
How to open a Relendex ISA
You can find more information in our FAQ
What is the Relendex Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA)?
The Relendex IFISA is an HMRC approved individual savings account which allows investors to earn tax-free interest on their Relendex investments.
What is the minimum investment?
Minimum investment for new ISA funds is £500. For transfer of existing ISAs, there is a minimum of £1,000
Is there a transfer out fee?
There are no transfer out fees, except for early withdrawal from the Secured Portfolio ISA.

Relendex Limited is registered in England, Company Number 07486328
Registered Office: 99-100 Turnmill Street, London. EC1M 5QP
Registered Office: 99-100 Turnmill Street, London. EC1M 5QP
Important Notice
Relendex Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 723117).
Lenders participating in these arrangements should be clearly aware that any sum lent through the Exchange is a loan and not a deposit and its repayment is not guaranteed. It is in the nature of an investment opportunity. Any investor should consider an appropriate spread of risk. Non-institutional investors should seek professional advice before lending through the Relendex Exchange.
View Notice in full
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(c) Relendex Limited 2020 All rights reserved View our Privacy Policy